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I found this flash had many redeeming qualities. I loved the spot on parody of anime, and the english dubbing of them. With talent like Tomamoto and Egoraptor, I've found myself, along with friends of mine, quoting this flash many times throughout the day. (A personal favorite being "Kotomaru how could you) I hope that you two decide to continue this series. If not, just keep on keeping on.

(Mission Complete)

Ah, Memories.

I remember finding this flash through a friend, years ago, and to this very day it still gives me a chuckle.

I decided to re-watch this after hearing of the new WiiWare title, Sandy Beach, and it's Crab Battle mode. I figured I should finally write this flash a proper review, after all this time.

The writing is fun, and it has to be, considering the phenomenon this flash started. The art style was great for it's time, and is still fun to look at now. Lastly, the voice acting really helped bring the flash to greatness. I almost feel that if it was someone else playing Snake, Crab Battle wouldn't be as easily recognizable as it is today.

In summation, thanks for the memories, sir.

(The Man)


Another wonderful piece of work by our friend JohnnyUtah. I love animations like this, that tend to have a singular focus, while still being a bit random. The best part about this is, that it pretty much sums up the game as a whole. I'd recommend this to anyone that has either played a Gears game, or has seen another of your flashes.


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Thank you for that.

I was truly and utterly moved by this work, I do believe you can change the world with games such as these. I am deeply disturbed by a poster below me, a certain "TomBrienYouSuck", for this person seems to find some form of gratification in insulting artists, such as yourself.

I leave you knowing that after playing this game, I am a changed man, and will forever have a brighter outlook on life.


Well, I try to be a well written reviewer, you can count on that. Not much else, though. If you wish to delve into what I was like in the past, you can take a trip to my embarrassing old account, SuperSayinSpike, which is kept only to brag joindates.

Age 32, Male


Merrimack High School

Merrimack, NH, USA

Joined on 2/23/08

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